vrijdag 13 februari 2009

Searching for a new job

Hmmmm, it seems that with this recession it's a tad harder to find a new job. Especially in the area where i live. Here they prefer 16yo unoversity graduates with 5 years workexperience and who are willing to work for minimum wage... oh well, that doesn't mean that there's no work at all to be found. I believe that everyone can find work, as long as you're willing to work... now there might be the problem, because i prefer to become a multi-millionaire out of the blue and retire tomorrow, so i can spend my time doing the things i love to do... sleep, eat, read, paint, draw and spend huge amounts of money!!!!! Ok, back with my feet on the ground i realise that i'll have to keep on looking for that one perfect job with the perfect co-workers and perfect pay (will it ever be enough for greedy little moi?!)... and work untill i'm 75 to be able to save up a descent retirementfund!

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